Get ready for PowWow season and other Tribal gatherings with Ohketeau! We will be hosting a Regalia Workshop Series over the next few months!
We are looking forward to starting in a few weeks. We have 4 amazing artist joining us to share their craft!
Each workshop will include all materials free of cost to participants. Everyone will get to take home their creations.
You must register to participate. We ask that you please ensure you will be able to make it before registering. A waitlist will be held to ensure all workshops are filled.
All workshops will be held in Ashfield, Ma. Exact location and other details to be shared upon registration.
Support with gas is available for those traveling long distances. A meal and refreshments will be provided during each workshop. Those who register are welcome to bring family but only registrants will be provided workshop materials due to supplies being ordered based on the maximum workshop capacity.
Space is limited so register soon!
Below are the registration links for each individual workshop.
Moccasin Workshop
Ribbon Shirt Workshop
Beading Workshop
Ribbon Skirt Workshop
Everyone planning to participate must fill out a separate registration. Please be sure to respond to confirmation emails.