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Honoring Black History Month

There is long and lasting relationally between Black and Brown folx that we must acknowledge and honor every day. Not only was the land we stand upon stewarded by Indigenous people for thousands of years, but we know that the Nation that was planted here by those who colonized this place was built upon the backs of those who were forcibly taken from their homes and enslaved in order to feed the greed of this growing place.

New England is a place of great historical relation and kinship between Black and Indigenous folx. Many families have mixed family lines and intermingled stories.

This Black History Month, we encourage you to seek out knowledge and clarity about the places you love and hold dear. What Indigenous Nations resided there historically, and which peoples still live there? Whose labor allowed those places to flourish? When were measures taken to protect those members of society? How were those actions implemented, and with what grace? Finally, what reparative actions have been made in those places?

This month, and every month, we give honor to this history.
