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Native Arts Shoutout: Tomantha Sylvester

We are eternally proud of our team member Tomantha Sylvester for this stunning show!

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This past November, a few members of the DE Ensemble, along with partners from the Ohketeau, traveled to Lake Superior State University to continue developing a new performance titled Ishkode. Written, created, and performed by Tomantha Sylvester and directed and designed by Travis Coe, Ishkode unearths (or perhaps re-earths) and retells the Seven Fire Prophecies of the Anishinaabek. The Prophets spoke of a time when humanity would face a critical decision: to choose the path of destruction and malice or the path of life and unity. All that was prophesied has come to pass, and we are said to be living in the time of the last fire, where a “New People” will emerge to lead us into harmony and balance. Set in a technologically advanced research facility, we are taken on an unexpected journey through time by a whimsical, ever-evolving human… and robot? See more photos of the work here >>

Thank you to the team at Lake Superior State University and everyone who made this tour such a success.
Photos courtesy of Lake Superior State University and Travis Coe

Earlier Event: February 1
Honoring Black History Month